Bullets of Palestine by Howard Kaplan - Featured Book

Bullets of Palestine (The Jerusalem Spy Series Book 2)

by Howard Kaplan

Rating: ✰✰✰✰

Two agents. Two opposing sides.

Israeli Agent Shai is dispatched to eliminate a terrorist threat. To succeed in his mission Shai must win the trust of Palestinian Agent Ramzy who will help him gain access to the infamous and dangerous Abu Nidal.

Shai is under orders to kill Ramzy when the mission ends. Instead, they forge a friendship that transcends the hatreds of their heritage. Loyalties are tested. Will they capture Abu Nidal or betray each other? In a conflict where both sides dehumanize each other, two extremely human men, are caught in the cross-hairs of the larger war.

This is a terrorist thriller in the best tradition of the genre by an author who knows the Middle East like the back of his hand.. - Los Angeles Times

A look at the complexities of the Palestinian problem. Kaplan brings together a former Palestinian terrorist and an Israeli agent, who unite in a common cause. - NY Times

Incredible thrills. An ingenious plot. This book is a gripper. - Jerusalem Post

Meet Howard Kaplan

HOWARD KAPLAN, a native of Los Angeles, has lived in Israel and traveled extensively through Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. At the age of 21, while attending school in Jerusalem, he was sent on a mission into the Soviet Union to smuggle out a dissident's manuscript on microfilm. His first trip was a success. On his second trip to the Soviet Union, he was arrested in Khartiv in the Ukraine and interrogated for two days there and two days in Moscow, before being released. He holds a BA in Middle East History from UC Berkeley and an MA in the Philosophy of Education from UCLA. He is the author of four novels.

Feature film production on his novel The Damascus Cover wrapped in Casablanca on March 23, 2015 starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Olivia Thirlby, and Sir John Hurt.

Connect with Howard Kaplan

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Bullets of Palestine by Howard Kaplan - Featured Book Bullets of Palestine by Howard Kaplan - Featured Book Reviewed by Duh on 11:30 PM Rating: 5

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