Quantum Mechanics for the 99% - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Quantum Mechanics for the 99% (but not for Dummies)
by Eliot Hawkins 

This book is intended for someone who doesn’t know anything about quantum
mechanics but does know about science is general. A basic ‘hobby’ level
knowledge is enough to get you started and I’ll fill in the blanks.

By the end of this book, you will know all the types of particles that quantum
physics has discovered and most of the roles they play. You will know the
major players in the foundation of quantum mechanics, the experiments they
performed and why it was so important.

I will also discuss some real-world applications of quantum mechanics and how they work. Finally, we will briefly touch on the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics.

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Quantum Mechanics for the 99% - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Quantum Mechanics for the 99% - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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