Fugitive Father - Free Kindle Fiction

Fugitive Father
by Robert C. Mowry 

He can prevent a terror attack, or, he can save his son--but can he do both?

He's taken his son and he's on the run. The FBI wants him. Homeland Security needs him. The Santa Fe police chief fears him. His ex-wife's cult wants to kill him. With Dr. Alex Vincent having the hard drive from his Los Alamos National Lab computer in his pocket with encrypted data from a known terrorist, it's no surprise security there haunts him also.

When twelve-year-old Tucker, Alex's often neglected son, had frantically cried out for his father's help as he feared for his life, this desperate father and son had then plunged into the little known world of an underground, safe-haven system set up to save endangered children whom the law can't protect. Now, they pass through the lives and receive help and protection from a collection of people who are involved in this system. Little by little, each in their own way, these giving people show Alex a new life, one full of sacrifice such as he's never seen before.

Will Alex forevermore be branded a traitor? Can he crack this terrorist code and emerge as the man who saves his country? Can he become a real father, or will he be relegated to being an "underground" one forever?

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Fugitive Father - Free Kindle Fiction Fugitive Father - Free Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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