Prelex - Kindle Non-Fiction

by Rajesh Khanna 

Prelex is the latest lifestyle vision option for people above forty-five who are tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses. Prelex is more advanced and beneficial than lasik eye surgery, as it delivers distance, middle and near vision in each eye (not monovision) is permanent and prevents development of cataracts.This book describes the prelex procedure, presbyopic implants (PI), what to expect before, during and after the short procedure. It discusses the advantages of Prelex procedure over lasik eye surgery for people who demand clear vision at all distances. It explains the working of the eye in simple to easy understand language. It delves into the reasons for needing reading glasses in old age, as well as the reason for nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

The author, Dr. Khanna discusses how to select a good surgeon, and questions to ask the Prelex surgeon. He goes on to explain how to select the best lens for ones lifestyle from amongst Restor, Tecnis and Crystalens, all FDA approved lenses. The author describes what to expect during the procedure and how to prepare for it.

The side effects of the procedure are discussed as well as how to avoid them. Finally, the concept of Neuroadaptation is introduced. How one can use the science of neuroadaptation to enhance the results is provided.

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Prelex - Kindle Non-Fiction Prelex - Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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