Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous - Free Kindle Book

Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous 
by Adam M. Johnson 

This Princess isn't going to take an arranged marriage lying down...

Imagine that you are a dangerously clever, thoroughly over-educated
sixteen year old, who feels wholly disconnected from her current station
in life and rather hates her father. Imagine also that you have the
further misfortune to find yourself alive during the 13th Century, that
your father is the philistine King of a small Central European country,
and that he does not approve of the fact that you can quote Aristotle
more expertly than you can curtsy. Finally to top everything off imagine
that you have just learned that you are to be married off to a German
nobleman who believes that you will make an excellent pawn in an ongoing
struggle to become Holy Roman Emperor... 

What do you do?
If your name is Aletheia--first and only daughter of His Majesty Edward
IX, and most indubitably born in the wrong century--you proceed to flee.
If your name is Aletheia you also find yourself embarking on a bizarre
and comic odyssey across perilously chaotic medieval Europe. During her
journey our heroine will encounter cross dressing Romanians, bamboozle
criminally incompetent highwaymen, crush spherically odious tutors
(using only the power of pure logic), and, in at least one desperate
instance, impersonate the Virgin Mary, all in the hopes of reaching a
final destination that is about to be sacked by an army of waylaid
Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous - Free Kindle Book Loud, Disorderly & Boisterous - Free Kindle Book Reviewed by Duh on 10:00 AM Rating: 5

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