Wands and Cups - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Tarot and the Law of Attraction: Meditations for Manifesting (Book 3-Wands and Cups) 
by Louise Johnson

The First Two Books in the Series are #1 Best Sellers!
The Journey Continues...

This third book in the series follows the same format as the #1 best-selling Volumes 1 and 2. Here we see what lessons the fiery Wands and emotional Cups have for us in learning to manifest and attract our desires. Each card has its own personality, reflecting an aspect of the Law of Attraction in a different light. If you've had trouble getting the Law of Attraction to work for you, here are 20 more ways; each with a visual aid, a mantra for meditation, and action items. Put them all together and you have a complete and easy to remember system for keeping in alignment with your intentions. Let the Tarot guide you to a life of purpose and abundance!

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Wands and Cups - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Wands and Cups - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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