Watershed - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Watershed: A Memoir
by Stefan Magi Fionn 

It was early 2009 after waking up in the hospital in Florida after an overdose, I found myself in tough position in life. Here I was a teenager and due to my drug addiction I was now homeless. Throughout the year I met a lot of strange people and go to strange places. With friends I acquired and strength in numbers we formed a group of tents in North East Ohio and try to survive the economic turmoil and societal woes of being homeless. There were many hard times but with compassion for each other we toughed it out. This is the true story of my "Tent City" in 2009.

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Watershed - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Watershed - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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