The Ultimate Guide To Affirmations - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

The Ultimate Guide To Affirmations: Change Your Life With These Affirmations (Personal Growth, Affirmations)
by Glenn Thyme

Affirmations are simply the art and ability to tune and concentrate thought processes on positive aspects of life.

The belief that defeating bad things in life would become possible, even probable by using affirmations has been a hotly debated topic for centuries. Explore some of the pros and cons to this belief process.

Find out who thought affirmations could be used to sway the mental processes of the masses.. YES mind control! Did it work? Find out this and even more interesting facts.

Learn the link between African Hoodoo and affirmations.

The popularity of affirmation prayers and the power of attraction. Can practicing affirmations really attract positive things to you? Is it truly life changing?

The attraction of affirmations to religion and the New Thought principles.

Enjoy this complete account of affirmations and the criticisms that still cloud the practice. One of the most comprehensive resources you'll find!

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The Ultimate Guide To Affirmations - Free Kindle Non-Fiction The Ultimate Guide To Affirmations - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 10:00 AM Rating: 5

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