The Adventures Of A Typical American: India - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

The Adventures Of A Typical American: India 
by Chad Thomson

When young American Chad Thomson sets out on the adventure of a lifetime, little does he know how much of an impact the world will have on him. In this first installment of his travel memoirs, Chad begins his round-the-world travel adventure in typical American style. During his four weeks in India he discovers:
Nepal is not in India.

The origin of the word tiffin (a mix of the words tin and muffin)
McDonald's in India is not like the McDonald's in the USA
And much more!

Follow Chad as he follows exactly what the Bible tells him (not the Holy Bible, the travelers Bible) and immerses himself in the local culture, meeting people from Australia, the USA and even one or two from India!

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The Adventures Of A Typical American: India - Free Kindle Non-Fiction The Adventures Of A Typical American: India - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 7:00 PM Rating: 5

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