Red Foxes - Amazing Animals - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Red Foxes - Amazing Animals
by Elizabeth Dylan 

Red foxes are amazing animals, both in looks and character. They often appear in movies and books as sly or sneaky creatures, but how much do you really know about them? Did you know that foxes can jump right up in the air without a run up, or that not all red foxes are even red colored? Do you know what a fox REALLY says?

This book uses large, beautiful photos and easy to read words to teach children about these amazing animals.

Containing over 20 full color photos, each page has a paragraph or two of text suitable for readers aged 6-9, and is also suitable for parents to read to their child. Younger readers will enjoy looking at the gorgeous pictures.

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Red Foxes - Amazing Animals - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Red Foxes - Amazing Animals - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Unknown on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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