Legend of Loch Ness Monster for Kids - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Legend of Loch Ness Monster for Kids: A Mystery in the United Kingdom
by Amber Richards 

This is an e-book about the myths, fables, legends and scientific studies concerning the Loch Ness Monster, known as “Nessie” for children. It is for ages 7-12 years old, depending on their reading level and interests.

It is a short chapter book with photos and illustrations. It highlights some of the earliest sightings, as well as more recent sightings. The myths, fables and legends encourage their imagination and invite them to add their own theories. This provides opportunity to use critical thinking skills in a fascinating topic. These are presented as myths, and not proven fact.

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Legend of Loch Ness Monster for Kids - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Legend of Loch Ness Monster for Kids - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Unknown on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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