Jalapeno Peppers - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Jalapeno Peppers
by Roby Jose Ciju

Jalapeno peppers are one of the most popular chile peppers in the world. They belong to the family of Solanaceae, the potato family and tropical in their growing habit. Jalapenos have their origin in Mexican regions and are mainly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions in the world. Fresh green jalapenos are used in a variety of continental food preparations. There is a steady demand for jalapeno green peppers in hotel and food industry. Chipotles, the smoked jalapenos have a strong demand in Mexican and Latin American food industry.

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Jalapeno Peppers - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Jalapeno Peppers - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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