Dust to Flesh - Free Kindle Fiction

Dust to Flesh: The Beginning of the End
by RL Stoll 

What if a Single Drop of Blood Could Change the World Forever?

Noelle Nielsen, a college freshman, quickly learns that myths aren't always what they seem- Stories, yes. Fiction, No! Join Noelle as she leaves her hometown of Plainwell, Michigan for the Windy City to study medieval history at the prestigious University of Chicago and learns even "true love" can't protect her from those lurking in the night.

Overburdened with hallucinations, Noelle seeks physiological help only to learn she must trust the most unlikely of people, the Guardians, to shield her from death and to keep mankind from extinction.

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Dust to Flesh - Free Kindle Fiction Dust to Flesh - Free Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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