Come Back With a Warrant - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Come Back With a Warrant: When You Can & Should Say No: A Primer for Understanding Current U.S. Search and Seizure Law 
by L. Y. Rhodes 

The cops want to search your car after pulling you over for running a stop sign. What should you do? An officer wants to look around your house because someone says that they heard screams? Should you say yes? Can law enforcement search things you claim aren't yours? Do you give the police the passcode to your cellphone or computer if they demand it? This easy reader primer is part of a series of e-books designed to provide the novice with an overview of The Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures. It also provides some basic steps that should be taken during police encounters where a search and seizure may occur.

Protection against government overreaching begins at local levels with you being informed and asserting the rights you retain during police encounters. We can all preserve the rights guaranteed by the Constitution without compromising the government’s ability to legitimately investigate criminal acts, and without the current trend toward becoming a police state. Sometimes the police do violate the Fourth Amendment rights of a person and discover criminal evidence through illegal search and seizure, but there are things you can do to minimize the chances of this happening to you before it becomes a constitutional issue to litigate in the US courts. Start by learning your rights, understanding when the Warrant Requirement controls and recognizing constitutionally defensible exceptions.

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Come Back With a Warrant - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Come Back With a Warrant - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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