A Guide to The Present Moment - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

A Guide to The Present Moment: How to Stop Believing the Thoughts that Keep You from Feeling Free, Whole, and Happy 
by Noah Elkrief 

This Book Will Help You To Live In Peace By Providing You With A Powerful 5-Step Process That Can Help You To Instantly Dissolve Your Unwanted Emotions

Do you want to stop feeling stress, anxiety, shame, unworthiness, depression, anger, guilt, sadness, worry, or fear? It certainly seems as though these emotions are inevitable, and directly created by our circumstances, our situations, and the people in our lives. However, it is possible to discover that all your unwanted emotions are actually created by thoughts in your mind - and each of these emotions can vanish in an instant if you just stop believing these thoughts to be true.

When You Don't Believe Someone's Words, Those Words Don't Create Emotions - The Same Is True With The Words (Thoughts) In Your Mind

If a random person tells you, "The world is going to end tomorrow", and you believe them, how would you feel? You would likely experience fear. But if you didn't believe them at all, then how would their comment make you feel? You almost certainly wouldn't be emotionally affected. This demonstrates that when you believe someone's words to be true, those words create emotions. But if you don't believe someone's words, those same words don't have the power to create emotions.

The same is true of the words (thoughts) in your mind. If you believe a negative thought about yourself or your life, that thought will create an unwanted emotion. However, if you don't believe that thought, it quite simply won't create the unwanted emotion.

This Book Will Teach You How To Stop Believing The Thoughts That Create Your Unwanted Emotions

As soon as you stop believing a thought that is creating one of your unwanted emotions, that emotion will instantly dissolve. As you disbelieve more and more of the thoughts that create your suffering, you will be happier in more and more situations, the more you will be living in the moment, and the more peace, love, laughter, wholeness, enthusiasm, and gratitude you will experience in your life.

The 5 Steps Are Meant To Have An Immediate Impact On Your Experience Of Life

This book isn't theory and it's not philosophy. It is also not meant to give you a strategy that may make you happy one day once you have practiced it for years. This book is about disbelieving a thought that is causing you to suffer right now, thereby freeing you to enjoy the peace of the present moment right now, and enabling you to feel happy in any situation where that thought would otherwise have created suffering.

This Book Will Help You To:

    Experience peace in situations that used to be filled with anxiety and stress
    Live with a sense of a wholeness, worthiness, or completeness
    Enjoy more love and stronger connections in your relationships with others
    Experience the freedom to act how you feel without worrying about others' opinions
    Live in the moment or live the power of now (i.e. spiritual awakening)
    Experience the fulfillment you have been searching for

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A Guide to The Present Moment - Free Kindle Non-Fiction A Guide to The Present Moment - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

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