Missing Winter - Free Kindle Fiction

Missing Winter
by Chris Folk

Anthony is ready to return home. Ready to see his family and friends. In order to do so for the first time in three years, Anthony Williams must divulge his life’s journey to his listener. Anthony opens up to Doc about the divorce of his parents - and their ensuing remarriages; the rock-solid relationship he forges with his Granddaddy – his father’s father; the tight bond he has with his chubby, annoying little sister, Kathleen; and the magical and clumsy wooing of Shannon - his elementary school crush and neighborhood friend.
These conversations with Doc about his past are intertwined with Anthony’s musings about his new surroundings and new friends - friends that cannot wait for his 3rd year celebration. There's Falstaff, Anthony's best friend and fellow teacher, and Cal, a young boy in desperate need for paternal guidance. All of this is punctuated with Anthony’s rumination of the missed opportunity to woo a college friend, a friend whose love he carries with him like a burden.
Missing Winter captures the everyday beauty, melancholy, glory, ugliness, and wonder of life - and death.

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Missing Winter - Free Kindle Fiction Missing Winter - Free Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Unknown on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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