Darkness, come on in... - Free Kindle Fiction

Darkness, come on in... (Volume I: Weird Tales)
by Germano Dalcielo and Elvio Bongorino

Two short stories and three flash-fiction

Short stories:

1)You Die, I Survive:

An evil man holds two boys captive. He is playing a macabre game. Together, the two must choose who lives and who dies. Who is going to win?


A mysterious, lonely woman is staring out the window. Who is she waiting for? What is she watching?
She has been "blessed" with a peculiar gift. What price will she pay for this unwanted "skill"?

Three very short tales. Three one-shot views into the evil of the human psyche:

3)On a Sunny Day:

Playing hide and seek can be dangerous. Can you really trust your friends?


Life is made of sliding-door choices: are you going to push the button or not?

5)Dinner is Ready:

Dinner should be a sacred family tradition. Not this time. Not anymore.

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Darkness, come on in... - Free Kindle Fiction Darkness, come on in... - Free Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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