Celebrating the Jewish Holidays - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Celebrating the Jewish Holidays: Life-Affirming Secular and Spiritual Observances
by Valerie Toizer Bloom 

The annual cycle of Jewish holidays features abundant opportunities to celebrate freedom, appreciate the natural world and the harvest, feel connected to Jewish heritage and culture, express religious and spiritual beliefs, engage in self-reflection, remember the ancient stories of the Jewish people, and help the earth and its inhabitants.

Because “Jewish” refers to both a religion and a heritage, there are many nuances as to how individuals experience being Jewish. For example, some describe themselves as religious, while others identify as spiritual or atheist. Within the complexity of the Jewish experience is an incredible array of possibilities for how individuals can choose to celebrate the holidays.

"Celebrating the Jewish Holidays: Life-Affirming Secular and Spiritual Observances" provides information about the holidays and offers both traditional and modern ideas for how they might be celebrated. As readers consider the holidays and how the holidays relate to their personal religious and philosophical views, they are free to develop meaningful holiday rituals that express their Jewish beliefs and culture.

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Celebrating the Jewish Holidays - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Celebrating the Jewish Holidays - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 4:00 AM Rating: 5

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