Cannabis Therapy for Beginners - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

Cannabis Therapy for Beginners: Including do it yourself Marijuana Tea and Cookie recipes 
by Stan Lee Park

The person most likely to benefit from this work is anyone interested in medical marijuana. Inside this book you will find factual information about the plant and its healing properties. Cannabis therapy for Beginners is aimed at countering the untruths and half-truths peddled by the government and sections of the media for nearly 10 decades and addressing a lot of stoner foolishness out there.
Inside you will find the following truths,

1. History of marijuana
2. The Real Reason why Marijuana was Banned – Competing Industries
3. US Government Patent on Marijuana as a Medical Application
4. Marijuana in the Bible
5. Debunking Common Myths About Marijuana
6. Medical Use of pot
7. Strains and varieties of marijuana
8. Marijuana Garden cultivation
9. Marijuana tea Recipes with easy step by step Brewing Process
10. Cannabis Cookies Recipes
11. Legal issues on possession and Use of Weed in USA, Europe, Japan & rest of the world.
12. References

I have enjoyed writing this book; I hope you have as much fun reading it. I also hope you get to benefit from weed’s numerous health benefits and have as much fun brewing your marijuana tea and baking some weed cookies.

Here is to a blissful and long life. Cheers!

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Cannabis Therapy for Beginners - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Cannabis Therapy for Beginners - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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