BOSU Workout Routine Made Easy! - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

BOSU Workout Routine Made Easy! (Fitness Training Series)
by Ben Cheung 

The BOSU balance trainer is an interesting equipment that can be used in various creative ways. It is mostly used for strengthening core muscles and for working on balance.

However, did you know that spending 30 minutes daily on this intriguing piece of fitness equipment can make you stronger and more flexible in a matter of weeks?

Discover the best routine for a full body workout on the BOSU ball. This book incorporates a simple 30 minute BOSU workout session that works your legs, arms, chest, and most importantly your core. Just follow the step-by-step instructions in the book and watch your body transform as you embrace the routine as part of your daily life!

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BOSU Workout Routine Made Easy! - Free Kindle Non-Fiction BOSU Workout Routine Made Easy! - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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