Blind Corners - Free Kindle Fiction

Blind Corners
by Jemir Johnson 

What you do in the dark is your business. Keeping
it buried is hers.

Jay Nova is a private investigator with a unique
talent; she can read minds.

But she can't control when it's triggered, what it reveals,
or the blinding pain it causes.

Especially the pain.

The powerful stories in this illustrated crime collection
are Street Sweeper, Cross Pattern, Down the Line, and
Pressure Points.

They include slick black and white illustrations and
colorful dialogue that will thrust you into the crime-ridden streets where
violence and lies are tools of the trade and each moment can be your last.

Vicious crime lords, kidnapped children, hidden
secrets, violence, and foul play; just another day at the office of Light Star

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Blind Corners - Free Kindle Fiction Blind Corners - Free Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 1:00 PM Rating: 5

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