14 Days to repair, resurect and reignite your marriage - Free Kindle Non-Fiction

14 Days to repair, resurect and reignite your marriage
by Todd William 

This book is not designed to tell you how to be a better husband or wife, a better father or mother, or a better man or woman. Generalizations are a dime a dozen. This is about proven, 15-minute, action items that over the course of 14 days (only two weeks) are guaranteed to improve your marriage, reviving it from lifelessness.

It’s not about changing your spouse or lover: It’s about changing YOU! Changing your actions and spousal responses will inevitably change your mate’s. During the challenge, you will complete daily actions items covering three different areas that cover physical touch, positive affirmations, and action items. Fifteen minutes each day is all you need!

This 14 day challenge translates ideas into easy-to-follow action steps, progressing naturally from the beginning to the end of the program. Beginning with simple baby steps and ending with passionate rendezvouses, you will become a better spouse and a better parent.

Do not read this book if you are not 100% committed to improving your relationship with your husband or wife. Do not read this book if you're merely seeking a quick fix. Even though these action items take only 15 minutes each day, they are a well-thought out progression that must be strategically followed. If you do not feel that it's within your power or grasp to improve your relationship with your spouse, this book is not what you’re looking for.

If you feel your marriage is in trouble, your relationship is suffering, and the divide between you and your spouse is ever growing, this is the book for you! If you are dedicated to action but just not sure where to begin, this 14 day challenge will guide you through, step by step! This book is designed to save marriages, rekindle passion, and strengthen family dynamics. If these are your goals, then, it’s time to start reading!

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14 Days to repair, resurect and reignite your marriage - Free Kindle Non-Fiction 14 Days to repair, resurect and reignite your marriage - Free Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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