Guest Post From Author Julia Tindall

Like many women "of a certain age" I felt myself struggling with symptoms of "the change."  Menopause had me feeling hot, bothered and forgetful, even depressed for the first time in my life. And definitely not sexy!
I had a moment of despair - lying on my couch one dreary afternoon in March 2011, feeling desperately sorry for myself.....when I got the inspiration to buck myself up by writing my bucket list. What was is that I really wanted out of life now that I was older anyway?

One of the items on the list was swimming with sea-lions. A quick search on the internet showed boat trips in La Paz, Mexico to the sea-lion colony. I had some free time coming up that month,  so grabbed a friend to join me and a week later, off we went!

The sea was freezing cold that day but the sea-lions were friendly enough and it was a great experience. Sitting on the boat afterwards, shivering away, the idea came to chronicle my year as I pursued my dreams and worked on myself, learning  about my changing body.

"Left at the Big White Pig" describes my journey of self-discovery as an older woman of power.

The more I talked to other women, the more I realized that many, many women over 50 were going through similar crises. Yet most had no idea how to cope.  I felt strongly guided to share the excellent options that I came up with, together with the motivational suggestions that can help women re-discover excitement in their lives.

I hate to feel in any way that I copied Elizabeth Gilbert; but, as fate would have it, I fell in love, too, at the end of that year. Maybe it just goes to show that as we take steady steps on our own path of life, we draw others to us who share similar values and the universe grants us what we REALLY want - love and happiness!

Julia Tindall hails from Cambridge, England but when she turned left at the big white pig in Yelapa, Mexico back in 1988 she never returned to live in her homeland but settled in Sacramento, California where she still lives today.

Julia leads yoga retreats and tantra seminars around the world, often to Bali, Thailand, Mexico, Hawaii and Costa Rica. She loves tropical weather and is an avid traveler!

Julia has authored two books on jnana yoga, the yoga of self-inquiry and offers jnana yoga teacher trainings, possibly the only such trainings in the world.

See for more on her offerings.
Guest Post From Author Julia Tindall Guest Post From Author Julia Tindall Reviewed by Unknown on 10:30 AM Rating: 5

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