Kittens Discovered - Kindle Fiction


Newborn kittens disappear with their mom. Neighbors search, but can not find them.

On a bright Saturday morning the kittens make their presence known to Sally in her garage.

The kittens live and explore the garage while Mama Cat comes and goes.

This short story follows a litter of  5 kittens and their interaction with each other and their Mama.

Each kitten wants a name and identity.  All the kittens want the attention of their Mama.

They learn the importance of following the rules or directions.  They learn actions have consequences.

Their is a short interactive Quiz to see how engaged the young listener or reader in the story.

Great pictures highlight the kittens adventures.

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Kittens Discovered - Kindle Fiction Kittens Discovered - Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Unknown on 11:00 AM Rating: 5

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