Writings on The Wall - Kindle Non-Fiction

Writings on The Wall: A Paranormal Guidebook (The Expanded Edition)
by J.E. Schultz

"Writings on the Wall" is intended to be a clear, concise, accessible guide to all things supernatural. Some of the supernatural phenomena examined are:
-the undead
-paranormal activity
These topics are explored using the Bible as the primary source of reference.

When comparing and contrasting general contemporary accounts of the paranormal with biblical accounts, it becomes apparent that some of the supernatural phenomena reported today appear eerily similar to paranormal phenomena written of in the Bible. Some of the biblical accounts discussed in detail are:
-The Parable of Lazarus and The Rich Man
-Samuel's Ghost
-The Deaths of King Abimelech, King Saul and King Ahab
-Daniel's Interpretation of the Writing on the Wall
-Balaam's Donkey
-Ezekiel's Wheel
-The Ascensions of Enoch, Elijah and Jesus

The second expanded edition of "Writings on the Wall: A Paranormal Guidebook" visits the previously unexplored topics of evil spirits, as well as blessings and curses. The topic of angels is also expounded upon in much greater detail.

As well as identifying and explaining eerie accounts of today and yesterday, "Writings on the Wall" also offers possible solutions to paranormal problems. The author, however, is not a trained theologian. Rather, the study of Scripture combined with personal experiences have compelled the author to compose this work.

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Writings on The Wall - Kindle Non-Fiction Writings on The Wall - Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Unknown on 2:00 PM Rating: 5

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