Strategic Goal Planning - Kindle Non-Fiction

STRATEGIC GOAL PLANNING - Determining Your Core Values - A Creative Approach to Taking Charge of Your Business and Life (Strategic Career, Life and Business Goal Setting and Planning)
by Katie Darden

Most people go through life without ever understanding the importance of their Core Values. In fact, they go through life without even considering that there might be anything behind their choices other than personal preferences.

In truth, the choices we make are based on a subtle hierarchy of values developed over many years and colored by our personal experiences, influences and education.

Once we identify the structure of our values, we begin to understand some of the choices and decisions we've made over the years - and why some of them seemed to conflict with what we thought was important to us. This book will help you identify your values, decide if they are supporting you in getting the results you want, and show you what you can do if they're not.

This book is Part 1 of the 3 part Strategic Career, LIfe and Business Goal Planning series that is based on the Make This Your Best Year Ever Program at

If you're ready to create a plan to actually get the results you deserve, this book will put you on the right track for achieving your dreams!

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Strategic Goal Planning - Kindle Non-Fiction Strategic Goal Planning - Kindle Non-Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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