Reunion - Kindle Fiction

by Ian Stewart 

As an Indonesian air attack on Darwin looms, the mind of Gordon McGregor, architect of this thriving metropolis of 2,750,000 people, is churning with memories of Jakarta 50 years ago and two women with whom he was infatuated.

“Two women so different in temperament and their effect upon him. Sita was light colours and laughter. Siu Ning was dark colours and hidden depths.”

Both are dead but the daughters of the one whom he married are in Darwin with him for a family reunion while the son of the other, now Indonesia’s defence chief, holds the power of life or death over them. McGregor is faced with revealing a secret he has held for 35 years, which will be painful for him and his family, but is his only hope of stopping the Indonesian Defence Minister from launching the strike against Darwin.

McGregor has carried the secret since he saw an Indonesian army officer shoot dead four Australian journalists as Jakarta began its invasion of East Timor. Now, his personal moment of truth comes in his appearance on a television current affairs program with the Indonesian Defence Minister, who is beamed in by satellite link from Jakarta. In the studio watching are members of his family, gathered to celebrate his eightieth birthday with him. He must steel himself to a soul-baring disclosure before his family and a television audience. Then he can only pray it will prevent the destruction of Darwin and the outbreak of war between Indonesia and Australia.

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Reunion - Kindle Fiction Reunion - Kindle Fiction Reviewed by Duh on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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