Frogs, Zombies, and Talking Bears: 24 Crazy Dreams - Free Nook Book

Frogs, Zombies, and Talking Bears: 24 Crazy Dreams 
by Clark Nielsen 

Dreams are weird, and author Clark Nielsen (The Second Page, Yes China!) has had some pretty strange ones over the years. Luckily, he kept a dream journal for most of his life, recording every dream he could remember in as much detail as possible. This is a small collection (14,000 words long) of his favorite ones.

24 Crazy Dreams reads like a series of short stories with heavy fantasy and science-fiction themes. Some of these dreams include fighting dinosaurs, being chased by zombies, and riding gigantic frogs with noticeable influences that range from video games to Chinese culture to Noah's ark.

These are unaltered, original dreams that sometimes end just when things are about to get resolved or contain wacky segues into new, unrelated adventures. No liberties were taken to make them more interesting, because they're already crazy enough as-is.
Frogs, Zombies, and Talking Bears: 24 Crazy Dreams - Free Nook Book Frogs, Zombies, and Talking Bears: 24 Crazy Dreams - Free Nook Book Reviewed by Duh on 3:01 AM Rating: 5

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