Free From Bullies - Free Kindle Book

Free From Bullies 
by Robyn Collins 

Have you ever been bullied? Are you being bullied right now? If you are I know this is making you feel bad and as if you have no control. I want you to know if you’re a victim of bullying: IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT.

In this book you’ll find some research that gives you useful facts about bullying. The more you know, the more you’ll understand about yourself and about the way bullies behave. You’ll also gain information about how you can take back control from the bullies.

You'll find:

facts about bullying
a formula you can use to help you beat bullying
a list of things you can do to make yourself feel more in control.

Please remember there are a lot of people out there who are not bullies and a lot of people willing to help. This book is just one part of that help.
Free From Bullies - Free Kindle Book Free From Bullies - Free Kindle Book Reviewed by Duh on 2:00 PM Rating: 5

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