Elizabeth's Daughter - Free Kindle Book

Elizabeth's Daughter
by Thea Thomas

Excerpt From Elizabeth's Daughter:

Elizabeth climbed the back stairs to her bedroom. The house hovered over her, entirely too huge now that she lived alone. Everywhere she moved, she found the presence of Grandfather – some little item of his, or a faint scent of his aftershave, or a note written on the back of an envelope as was his habit. She'd never before realized how little of her there was in these rooms.

Muffled thuds, came from outside – she rolled the window half-way up to hear every pop and crackle of the fireworks at Disneyland in the near distance. The blue, pink, silver and gold sparkling, transient lights poured from the sky. All her life she'd watched the fireworks from her bedroom window.

As she stared at the fireworks through her reflection in the dark glass of the window, her face appeared to change – it became more full, her hair darker and straight. She couldn’t even see her eyes for the glinting of dark-rimmed glasses, though she’d never worn glasses in her life.

Startled, she stepped back from the window. The strangest sensation ran through her body from head to toes. A muscle in her forearm began to jump. She turned on all the lights in her room and slipped into a nightgown. But she couldn’t shake the image of that face – that was not her face – reflected in the window....
Elizabeth's Daughter - Free Kindle Book Elizabeth's Daughter - Free Kindle Book Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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